Author: Kris Kratz

React State with Stomp

January 17, 2024

I’m using Stomp within my NextJS app, in otherwords, I’m using Stomp with React. I experienced a problem with setting state between scopes. Here’s what was happening: Stomp received a message, and that triggered a function based on the payload. That function updated an object’s state, but it was resetting it to the state the […]

Spring Boot @RequestParam as List type

January 16, 2024

Here’s one of those funny little problems that aren’t quite obvious. I use Spring Boot as the API for a NextJS app to access the data store. Naturally, I’m sending all sorts of variables, and in this case I am sending an Array (or List) of Longs. And I want to keep the code compact, […]

PrimeReact AutoComplete Multi Custom Remove Token

January 16, 2024

PrimeReact is a great set of tools and patterns to make developing a project much faster. From PrimeReact’s free offering, I was using their AutoComplete with Multiple Selections. Which works great. Of course, I wanted to customize the remove button to make, and you might too. So here’s how I do it. I skipped a […]

Detect Changes in WordPress Gutenberg, Programmatically

January 3, 2024

Recently when I resumed work on my WordPress meta box plugins for RankNavigator, I found that the it was no longer updating the score when after I included target terms. Well, the bottom line is the way I monitored changes to the Gutenberg Editor were deprecated. That’s right, getUndoEdit and getRedoEdit are now rendered useless […]

WordPress Change Favicon & Site Logo with Full Site Editor (FSE) Theme

December 8, 2023

Things change fast in the world of WordPress. Even how to add a WordPress favicon to your site. Every few months it seems like things get shuffled around. Something that was a no brainer before becomes a hunt for the hidden feature. Changing the site logo and favicon is one of those features that suddenly […]

Recovering from Failed WordPress Upgrade

December 7, 2023

Disaster struck as I was upgrading one of my websites from WordPress 5.9.3 to 6.0. I got the worst version of the WordPress update failed error. Just the white screen of death explaining, technically, nothing was working. Fatal error… publishing failed error To make things worse, I didn’t have any backups. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch-a-roony. […]

Hubspot Tracking Script Async & Defer

December 7, 2023

A major drawback to the Hubspot Tracking script is that it slows down the initial webpage load time by a second or more. This collects all of the information for the plugin after it loads. I found a version of this on, but it wasn’t working for my version of Hubspot, so I fixed […]

WordPress Scheduled Events: wp-cron, wp-env, and password protected sites.

December 7, 2023

I prefer developing WordPress plugins using wp-env. It’s a great way to almost instantly set up a working WordPress environment using Docker. Check out my wp-env config file. While developing a recent plugin I ran into the issue with wp-cron not firing at the scheduled time… and down the rabbit hole I went yesterday. Not […]

Headless WordPress with NextJs and wp-env

December 7, 2023

After doing this, I found that it’s simply adds too much overhead to creating a site, so I recommend using the WordPress Full Site Editor instead. But if you’re dead set on getting this running, keep reading to find out how to set it up in a few minutes. I discussed the basics about how […]

Local Hosting using CloudFlare DNS

December 7, 2023

CloudFlare is the absolute best for hosting domains for a lot of great reasons. Not only do they offer the lowest prices, they include all manner of features to accompany the service. They want you to find great success with your websites and pay for their more advanced features, but the basics are awesome for […]

Developing a WordPress Plugin Using WP-Env

December 7, 2023

Before we could develop on wp-env there was Xammp, Mamp, and Vagrant. Each one is great for it’s time. Those tools allowed us developers to create a nice little environment to run WordPress locally. It’s known a as a LAMP stack (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP). Then came along Docker and pretty much […]

Shrinking Font Sizes Down by Subsetting

February 16, 2022

After designing websites for long enough, any developer will start to work on improving page load times. Too many files, even if they are small, will increase load times… Same with large files, filled with unused information. You start wanting to optimize the load time. It creates a better user experience. So you restrict the […]